Friday, August 30, 2013

Body Gesture and Duration of Interaction

The diagram shows human body gesture and duration of interaction between human body and the things. I choose to exclude architectural structure and other things that I do not interact; in order to see the volume of space that necessary things is using. And how the orientations of things affect the position where I choose to stay in that space.

The things that have direct interaction with my body are extrude our in another axis. Human figure is showing the body movement and how it interacts with the things. The darkness is representing the duration in that post; the darker colour means the longer I stay in that post.

From the diagram, the things that I interact for a long period of time are not only because its providing body comfort and mental entertainment, but also it is in a controlled environment; in terms of brightness and temperature.  Even thought something does not have interaction with human body, but it is still necessary thing that create a comfortable condition for people to dwell.  

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