Tuesday, September 10, 2013

1 to 1 of 1 by 1

To fully understand the situation that others are in, one might have to step in their shoes.
In this case, to fully understand the 4 sq.m life from J.G. Ballard's short story called 'Billennium', one might have to imagine, and construct.

The design was carried out as a paired work with the body of one being uses as the main user, which in this cases Jarim. The design derives from the study that were made earlier but mainly based on Jarim's analysis.

The design, is shown on the 3 plates below.

The name 1 to 1 of 1 by 1 came across from the design that focuses on the concept of modular where the given 4 sq.m were divided into 4 parts each contained 1 sq.m. The design then aimed for each part to be able to connect together in many ways possible creating its own home according to the surrounding context.

Each one will have its own function according to the uses of it. While the design is not operates, it will remain empty like nothing is there, but when the user want to activates it, all furniture and objects that are needed can be pull out from above, below or on the side wall. Hinges are the key to all this movements.

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