Friday, August 30, 2013

Body Based Configuration

This overall daily documentation is to show the clusters of activities happening in a particular area scattered around the house.
Displaying a separated layers between the dynamic of motions and configuration of objects,which would suggest a different interpretation to the existing activity and re-create a whole new set of possibilities.
Classification of movement types to categorize and find similarity on each activity that would occupy a space and how the body part would interact with the object. 

The extraction of every possible movement from a proportional scaled model, to analyze the limits of the body within the comfort zone and to explore the possibility of hybridizing multiple activities into one through similarity of the body position. 


Unknown said...

Very nice Jim!
Look at the drawings of Los Carpinteros. Could be inspirational.
(Los Carpinteros is the name taken by a group of young Cuban artists who as a collective entity specialize in the creation of humorous installations and objects)

Unknown said...

Fredrik -- Thanks for the reference! Drawings of Los Carpenteros are here: