Thursday, August 29, 2013

Activity Abstraction - Bobject

The drawing below shows how step by step, my activities associating with the object became less and less abstract.

The drawing shows the room as a space that I am living in at the moment. The colour then shows the time in which my body interact with the space. The changes in the colour tone indicate the time spending on each event, and the density of the colour tells how many time I pay the visit to the object.
Stepping away from the centre image which is the drawing's origin, the process of understanding the space where the objects are occupying take place. As the processes go on, we can now see that objects are now deceiving into the position where only necessities are left.

In conclusion to the above drawing the result of the abstraction is shown below.

From this drawing, we can now see the result where objects can now be abstract into such a minimum size. But "Is that really the actual size of the thing we are using?" 
The answer is no, A TV will not be a TV for me if I don't look at them, and the fridge cannot exist without someone opening it. So The silver lining now lies between the object and the human body. 

Each existing object on the above image are the object that came across the line of an 'object'. It became part of our body as we have a direct relation to the object. In this case one cannot operate without one another, and thus also requires a special space to connect them together.

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